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Mary Schwebach

Superstar Consultant


My Story

     My family and I left the house to do a little shopping.  It turned out to be a full day away from the house.  When we returned home in the evening I saw what looked like flames through my front windows.  What it ended up being was a candle that I had left burning.  It had gotten so low and the wick and flame so tall that thru the glass jar and the window the flickering looked like a fire.  I could have burned my house down because I love the smell of candles in my home. The simple truth is I fell in love with Scentsy because it is safe.              Scentsy is a wonderful product  and I am very grateful for a product line that enables me to feel safe in my own home.  A wickless candle, how cool is that?     Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns regarding Scentsy.  I'd love to hear from you!     Mary Schwebach  ~  Director Scentsy Wickless Candles         

What's warming in my home